Doors & Exhibitor Areas Open at 8AM
8:00am - 9:00am
Registration, Entertainment & Exhibitors​
Registration and Entertainment Student Commons and Cafeteria
Exhibitors Gymnasium and North Parking Lot
9:00am - 9:15am
9:15am - 10:00am
Dis-Impos-Ability Lecture Room
Cody Clark
10:00am - 10:30am
Q&A with Cody Clark & Exhibitors
Question and Answer with Cody Lecture Room
Cody Clark
Visit Exhibitors Gymnasium and North Parking Lot
10:30am - 11:10am
A: Beyond Guardianship- An Attorney's Perspective Lecture Room
Will Hack, Missouri Protection and Advocacy
B: The Ins and Outs of Raising Someone Special Room W-3
Tracey Foster Francis, Author and Parent
C: Functional Behavioral Assessment: How It is Done and How It is Used, Why It is Helpful Room W-4
Kayla Holland-Orell, Center for Human Services/Chariton Valley Association
D: Assistive Technology in Action: Testimonies of Technological Effectiveness to Achieve Freedom & Independence Room W-5/6
Michael Hartman, Center for Human Services/Chariton Valley Association
Andy Magruder, Adair County SB40 Developmental Disability Board
E: Can We Defeat Dementia? Room S-1
Kelly Quinn Alzheimer's Association - Greater Missouri Chapter
11:10am - 11:30am
Visit Exhibitors Gymnasium and North Parking Lot
11:30am - 12:10pm
F: Making Life Magical Lecture Room
Cody Clark, Cody Clark Magic
G: Recruitment of Foster Parents Room W-3
Robin Jennings-Landwer, Missouri Department of Social Services
Rachel Priest, Missouri Department of Social Services
H: Becoming More Financially Self-Sufficient Through Work; Understanding How Work Impacts
Social Security Benefits Room W-4
Sandy Keyser, Missouri Department of Mental Health - Employment First
I: Expand Your Horizons with Assistive Technology, Durable Medical Equipment, & Home
Modification Options, Part 1 Room W-5/6
Shelly Brown, Missouri Department of Mental Health - Assistive Technology
Scout Merry, Missouri Assistive Technology
J: The Magic of Coping Skills Room S-1
Jessica Guyton, Preferred Family Healthcare
12:10pm - 1:00pm
Lunch & Parent Panel
Lunch - TICKET REQUIRED Student Commons and Cafeteria
Parent Panel - Pick up your lunch and bring it with you Room S-1
1:00pm - 1:40pm
Lunch & Parent Panel
K: Music Therapy: Not Just Singing Songs Lecture Room
Morgan Henderson, Music Moves Music Therapy Services
L: Empowering Families Room W-3
Laurie Griego, Kirksville R-III Parents As Teachers
Alicia Jobe, Kirksville R-III Parents As Teachers
Kate Krebs, Kirksville R-III Parents As Teachers
Jen Meyer, Kirksville R-III Parents As Teachers
M: Pre-Employment Transition Services: A Collaboration with University of Missouri, Missouri
Vocational Rehabilitation, and Local High Schools Room W-4
Lindsey Hatzler, University of Missouri - PreETS
N: Expand Your Horizons with Assistive Technology, Durable Medical Equipment, & Home
Modification Options, Part 2 Room W-5/6
Shelly Brown, Missouri Department of Mental Health - Assistive Technology
Scout Merry, Missouri Assistive Technology
O: Resiliency & Abilities: How to Create Resiliency with Individuals That We Serve; Creating Hopeful
Plans with Creative Touches That Work for Each Unique Person! Room S-1
Nichole Rohn, Mark Twain Behavioral Health
1:40pm - 1:50pm
1:50pm - 2:30pm
Cody Clark's Sensory Friendly Spectacular!
Magic Show Lecture Room
Cody Clark, Cody Clark Magic
1:50pm - 3:00pm
Clinicians Roundtable
Introduction to StationMD Media Room (Library)
Rebecca Pitchford, StationMD
2:30pm - 3:00pm
Door Prize Giveaway! - Must Be Present to Win
Door Prize Drawings Lecture Room
Cody Clark, Cody Clark Magic